Privacy policy
Taildragon analyzes the behavior of the website visitors for internal marketing purposes and to identify which content is the most appreciated and potential pitfalls, such as not found pages, search engine indexing issues, etc.

Taildragon may collect one or more of the following when you use this website: 
• IP address (the last byte or bytes are anonymized)
• Internet service provider
• Date and time
• Pages viewed
• Downloaded files
• Links clicked to an outside domain
• Pages generation time
• Screen resolution
• Country, region, city of the browser
• Main language of the browser
• User agent of the browser
The website data above is retained for no more than 14 months.

Taildragon does not collect information that will identify an individual user of this website. Since we do not collect information that can identify you at the individual level when you use this website, there is no means to delete such information or withdraw consent (your request would reveal more information than we collect).

The Taildragon website is hosted in the United States. The aforementioned website data and marketing data is only accessible by Taildragon personnel and our direct contractors. We do not sell any information to third parties. We are not performing any automated decision making or profiling. You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Report Problems
Please report any problems at this website or copyright issues to Webmaster, Taildragon, 7154 W. State St. #254, Boise, Idaho, USA; or web@taildragon [dot] com
The information presented on this website is presented on an “as is” basis and may not always be current, accurate or complete. Any representation that it is, is expressly disclaimed. Use of our site is at your risk. By visiting this website, you are acknowledging that Taildragon is not liable to you or others in any way for the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. We are also not liable for any damages caused by viruses contained within electronic files of this or any linked website. We cannot guarantee that our extensive security precautions will protect against any misuse or alteration of the information presented on this website.

Neither Taildragon nor any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering our site shall be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by use of our site, except as expressly mandated by law.

Any links for other websites are provided for your convenience. We do not maintain the material on those websites and cannot be held responsible, nor should there be any implied endorsement or sponsorship of those links. To obtain approval to include a link to our website, please contact us to obtain written approval.

The design and all software, text, pictorial and graphical elements and other elements of this website are protected under copyright laws. No part of this website may be reproduced, posted, transmitted or distributed in any form without prior written notice unless it is for personal, non-commercial use only.
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7154 W. State St. #254
Boise, Idaho 83703

